Prenatal Inner-Connection

Soul-Guided Sessions for inner-led Peace, Alignment and Harmony in Pre-Conception, pregnancy, birth & Postnatal Mamahood

Connecting & Consulting with Your Inner-Wisdom to:

Receive Guided Clarity on Conceiving

Navigate Pregnancy’s Alotness from within

Prepare for Inner-led Labour

Prime for Postpartum Restoration

Shift into Aligned Mamahood

Align Within

Deep Inner Dive

$133 / 2 hours

Single Session

Space for you to sink into all significant specific topics causing you strife, confusion, overwhelm or intrigue to unravel and receive inner-wisdom on:

• Fertility & Hormonal Healing

• Pregnancy Symptoms

• Making Aligned Choices

• Being ready for Inner-led Trustful Labour

• Preparing for a Supported and a Restorative Postnatal

• Navigating Postpartum and New Mamahood


Bi-Weekly Sessions

$33 /30 min Sessions

6 Session Minimum each

Like signing up for a movement membership, bi-weekly sessions foster intentional committed time to be held in clearing (emotional hygiene) and receiving inner-led guidance! 

Each session allows for arising concerns, curiosities and misalignments you have around Pregnancy, Labour, Postnatal Restoration & Mamahood to be reconciled into clarity and harmony from within.


Pre & Post Bundle

$433 for 7 Sessions

1 hour each

Consulting your Inner-Knowing on these Seven Pivitol Pre & Postnatal areas to be Deeply-Rooted in Clarity for Peace of mind and ready to move through each phase through your own Inner-Fullness!

1) Navigating Pregnancy Care & Symptoms

2) Prenatal Inner-led Decision Making

3) Cultivating a Supportive Community/Village

4) Aligned Birth 

5) Preparing for Postpartum

6) Attuned Mamahood

7) Postnatal Harmony

Soul-guided Shifts & Embodied enrichments you Emerge with:

Aligned inner-led Birth

Clarity from WITHIN on most-aligning Labour Options and Birth Preferences

Inner-given visuals/mantras/rooting reminders

Open, Trusting, Empowered & Surrendered Autonomy, Intention & Inner-Knowing Guiding the Waves of labour and birth

Authentic Attuned Mamahood

Navigating the waves of postnatal motherhood with more Coherence, Clarity, Connection & Confidence

Expanded Trust in Self and Life

Peace in Pregnancy

Illuminating Insights on Navigating Symptoms

Deeper Connection with Baby

More Integration and Relaxation in the Body

Inner-Wisdom Guiding Pregnancy Care and Prenatal Choices

Rejuvenating Postnatal Healing

Increased Harmony in Relationships and Support from Community/Village

Inner-led Restorative Pacing, Priorities & Practices

What enriching bonuses do you receive from each session?

Audio Recording to listen back to

• A Curation of Compiled Quotes shared from your Inner-Wisdom!

• Aligning Resources, Recommendations & Awareness of pregnancy, birth and mamahood options, considerations, tips and hacks!

How are Sessions are done?

Prenatal Inner-Connections are held online, off-camera so you can fully relax, go within to allow for inner-healing, wisdom, guidance and deeper connection with your inner-Self and baby to emerge.

Space is held for you by a certified instructor who facilitates and integrates breath, somatic healing, emotional releasing and intuition to lead.

What can arise during Prenatal Inner-Connection Sessions?

• Unraveling; space to release, clear and heal:

Attachments, Ego, Identity, tension, stories, fear, false identity programming and conditioning, misalignments, limitations , hindering stuck/stagnant emotions, held ancestral/collective blocks

• Visuals from your Inner-Self (as a gift to empower you, reveal truth and/or restore you)

• Divine words of wisdom from your inner-most Spirit on how to cultivate, live and embody more of your Soul-Self

• Inner-truth, deep felt sense of Connection and words from Baby’s Spirit

How do Sessions Flow?

At the start of the call we chat a bit for your mind to share in a little more detail about what it's been concerned confused or curious, what you’re hoping to get out of the session and any question you have so the mind can fully relax :) Then we connect into your depths to take the lead!

We trust, allow and flow with what arises- words, images, memories, bean-bags/emotions/feelings/sensations/urges... space is held for you the whole time guiding you to stay deep within and move towards more inner-clarity, healing, peace, wisdom, enrichment and alignment! 

Pricing Rate is in which Currency?


Client Shifts & Enrichments

“Doing an inner-connection session a few weeks before going into spontaneous labour with my first was the most important foremost factor to prepare me to relax, trust and surrender, I can’t imagine having birthed without it. It helped me go into labour with so much peace and confidence in myself, my body, life and my baby. Rather than resist the contractions and prolong labour I was able to embrace them and have a 3 hour active labour magical homebirth! The midwife even said I birthed like it was my 3rd child not my 1st and I know it was the connecting and clearing from the session that made that possible. I will do it again for my next pregnancy and it’s the number one thing I recommend all expecting mamas do!” - J

"Jenelle did a wonderful job asking the questions that my inner voice had, and also leading my inner voice to the guidance it wanted to share. She did a wonderful job holding space and guiding me through the energy release in the middle of the session when my body needed to kick and throw a tantrum. It was exactly what I needed and felt exactly right. I would definitely recommend Jenelle as a facilitator, especially for anyone else with hormone and fertility issues." — J

"What luck to get to spend two hours in my inner voice under the excellent care of Jenelle! She has a gentle, playful, and curious style that coaxed out the deepest parts of my inner voice, and the entire time I felt comfortable sharing everything that came up with her. My inner voice responded with surprising wisdom and love to questions ranging from my career to my health to my relationships. I left our session with a profound sense of peace, gratitude and wellbeing. Thank you, Jenelle!" — K

“I loved the session I had with Jenelle around hormone health. I felt fully relaxed and able to drop out of my mind and into the space and knowing of my inner voice. Jenelle is so knowledgable about all things hormone health making me feel confident and able to step out of my mind even more as I knew she would be able to play that questioning and inquisitive role, asking the questions that my mind would have had. Jenelle also came fully prepared with a plan for the session, which I appreciated, but then was able to be in the moment and really let me and my inner voice guide the session for exactly what I needed at that moment. I would definitely recommend Jenelle for those who want to connect with their inner voice in a specific way around health and hormones”— N

"Somehow I saw myself in my essence through images and this was the first time for me. What I saw was beautiful and just knowing that is healing for me. It gives me strength and I feel like I’m at peace. Not sure how long that will last but the emotional cleansing did me immense good."— E

“I did not know what to expect from the session and leading up to it I was excited and a bit nervous. I knew I wanted a release and to go deep inside myself. I felt like in the lead up to it I was preparing for a journey and that's exactly what it was - a journey to my innermost self. I had these stories about my "strong" mind and my self consciousness about letting myself experience and express intense emotion. The session was intense for me. My body fought it and tensed up and the release when I allowed myself to cry, to laugh, to breath I felt an incredible release. The second half of the session brought beautiful clarity for me and aspects of myself that I had suppressed. I feel more joy, laughter, and lightness in my life….I am experiencing an incredible peace - that all is well and I don't have to control/plan/know what's coming in my life. Physically, I feel so much lighter and loose (I didn't realise how much tension I was holding in my body). I have new tools to ground myself in the present like movement and breathing when I feel my mind taking control and overwhelming me….I am so grateful to Jenelle for her heart, kindness and intention during the session! She did a fantastic job helping me feel comfortable and guided throughout the entire session. Her voice was full of heartfelt encouragement and this made me at ease and able to open to the process.” —K

“What an experience...I cannot deny that every time we have a session I feel myself growing into the person I’ve know I I’ve always been in search of. Today when you said to take a deep breath into my core, I was impressed by just how deep I could go with breath. It wasn’t even the breathing that was the interesting part, but rather the image I saw in my head. It was so vivid I almost opened my eyes just to be sure, but caught myself in time and continued bringing breathe into this part so that I could see what more was down there. What I saw was a little girl, what I imagine to be my inner-child and she was cowering away behind something big. I couldn’t tell what it was because everything down there looked murky, dirty and dark, wet even. I could tell she was cold and miserable. I felt sorry for her but the more I brought breathe down to her the more I noticed she became aware of my presence and through curiosity she began to uncurl from her position. Then you took me away from her to focus on my hands then heart, still we maintained the breathing and I realized I was feeling lighter than I did when I woke up this morning. You asked to see where I felt this lightness and self-love and subconsciously I reached out to touch the hollow spot where my rib-cage splits into two, where I would imagine my diaphragm the be. This feeling of calm and love stretched from here all the way up and across my chest, you said I could feel safe here and that is where I should remain grounded. I took several more breaths relishing in this feeling and in the last breathe I went inside and saw the girl standing upright and tall. The room wasn’t wet, murky and dark anymore and she had cleaner looking clothes on. I felt like I needed to give her a hug and felt my arms wrap around myself. I don’t think I remember another time where I felt so whole. Relishing in the feeling has me feeling excited for the woman you are bound to unlock in me. This feeling of being content and enough... Thank-you for teaching me your ways master, I am forever grateful for you.” — W

My Inner Connection Journey: Holistically Reversing PCOS, Conceiving Effortless & Naturally, Having a Delightful Pregnancy & Inner-led Trustful Birth And Expanding into more Alignment, Inner-Harmony & Inner-Connection!

Listen to my Hormonal Healing Journey

Listen to my Aligned Birth Story

My cycle had always been irregular since my first bleed. For years I thought I was just lucky to not have to get my period often but I struggled with painful insecurity-inducing acne throughout my teens- late 20s, never thinking the two could be related. At the time I thought the only option was trying a million different skin products and passively popping whatever pill the doctor prescribed me to try next. One medication ended up creating so much inflammation in my body, harming my liver and causing me to develop medicine-induced LUPUS (tons of swelling and pain in my joints). I was also put on and off different birth control out of DESPERATION to solve my embarrassing and painful breakouts. But 2 weeks after being put on the new brand, my hair and eyelashes began SHEDDING.

  • I was also put on and off different birth controls a handful of times, the last straw being when I was prescribed a new brand that was so “helpful for clearing skin”, this was a point when my acne had turned from annoying but manageable to such extreme DESPERATION with new deep embarrassing and painful breakouts occurring all over my face and strange new locations on my body.

    2 weeks after being put on the new birth control, my hair and eyelashes began falling OUT!

    It was at that point my FRUSTRATION and being so tired of SUFFERING with a host of new symptoms from hastily prescribed meds, feeling ALONE, CONFUSED and DISMISSED drove me to start seeking alternative approaches to address my debilitating acne.

    I remember the immense RELIEF I felt when I finally heard to first piece of wise truth shared with my when I started working with a Naturopath.

    She explained to me in a consult, that MY SKIN WAS A REFLECTION OF WHAT WAS GOING ON INSIDE OF ME.

    She then went on to give me the sage advice that Skin is complex, that for some it can take a few changes so transform and for others can take years of healing different facets before seeing it change but that it’s really about understanding and addressing the root causes!

    It wasn’t until then that I gained the understanding that my MIA periods = missing ovulation (fertility) and hormonal disharmony/imbalanced hormones. And finally learned that there is a connection between skin, hormones, diet and inner well-being.

    The first major shift was my period becoming REGULAR FOR THE FIRST TIME I MY ENTIRE LIFE at age 26 after just 2 months of seed cycling ! It was incredible to experience first hand the power of food as medicine!

    I then began an anti-inflammatory diet and some different herbs & supplements to support flushing out the toxins of my liver.

    I was still getting acne, but no longer the extreme painful strange place breakouts.

    And as I began focussing more on my well-being I began to realize other symptoms that I had been been failing to see as they are often so normalized!

    I was experiencing reoccurring head aches, brain fog, low energy, stress and anxiety. I finally recognized I was nearing BURNOUT and decided to stop working to fully devote to healing and received a diagnosis of PCOS when I was 28.

    I spent over half a decade and thousands of hours diving into Integrative, Alternative, Natural, Traditional, Functional, Eastern, Food & Energy Medicine approaches: working with specialists and practitioners on hormonal balancing, listening to podcasts and experts, trying various modalities, devouring books; articles and research, doing intensive inner-work and implementing new practices and habits into my daily life.

    I quickly learned how the wellness space is riddled with an overwhelming amount of approaches, contradictions, trends, herbs & supplements, therapies, tools, techniques…. that can be extremely time consuming, confusing and expensive… and while I made incremental strides in discovering aligning lifestyle changes and transformational shifts I also had many moments of getting caught up in harmful trends and spent the first couple of years feeling stressed and weighed down by trying to fix and solve my symptoms through legalistic and perfectionistic pressure.

    I had gotten to a point where it seemed I had tried everything out there shared about hormonal wellness (spent thousands of dollars on herbs and supplements and hormone testing, different diets and trends of keto, intermittent fasting, bone broth, cycled eating, going gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free… learning to blood sugar levels, reducing toxin in products, practicing yoga, ensuring enough Vit.D, getting 9 + hours of sleep…) but I was still struggling with symptoms.

    It wasn’t until I began connecting WITHIN when I was becoming certified as an Inner Voice Facilitator that I began to truly heal and transform!

    The inner presence and emotional releasing from sessions allowed me to connect to my deepest self for guidance, advice and healing, prompted my body to detox, skin cleared,  alignments to effortlessly flow into my life, all my remaining PCOS symptoms dissolved and fertility amplified!

    Two months after becoming an Inner Voice Facilitator I conceived effortlessly and naturally!

    I had a magically delightful pregnancy and an enchanting fear-free, complication-free natural unmedicated 2.5 hour home birth experience!

    And my inner voice guided me in starting off the gift of motherhood with rejuvenating quick post-natal healing and my body and hormones thriving again just after two months.

    And 3 years after getting my ovaries scanned confirming my PCOS diagnosis, I got a new ultra-sound scan done that showed my ovaries had transformed to normal and my PCOS completely reversed!

    And what I learned most of all is that- there more Internal Alignment, there more External Alignment AND there are many paths to healing.

    I now find joy integrating the wealth of knowledge I gained around the external and internal facets of well-being over my 5+ years studying hormonal balancing and holistic wellness with the modality of Inner-Voice Facilitation to guide clients in healing and navigating the confusing and overwhelming decisions and choices around their hormonal, wellness and motherhood journeys.

    I get so much aligning joy doing inner-voice sessions around these topics. I am able to hold deep- loving, compassionate space for clients because I relate to and resonate with the emotional distress and know the heavy, frustrating and confusing mental stories around these topics, allowing me to utilize the gift of my own hormonal balancing journey and years enthusiastically understanding what influences our fertility, ovulation, menstruation and hormones over the years had given me deep insight and understanding of the various facets, root causes and puzzle pieces that contribute to hormonal disharmony, to know which questions to ask and topics to bring up along with potential recommendations to bring to the client’s inner-voice to help them gain deep peace, clarity, soulful advice, guidance and healing!

    I feel so enriched by getting to be a part of guiding, uplifting, supporting and enriching fellow females on their hormonal and motherhood journeys towards more harmony and alignment with-IN and with-OUT!

    I especially love facilitating sessions around supporting women on their pre-pregnancy journeys, during pregnancy and preparing for a health-giving intuitive birth and post-natal recovery! I understood very well how the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy-care and birth-prep space can be a sea of stressful, confusing, terrifying recommendations, information overload and contradictions be just as stressful, overwhelming, confusing, terrifying but with my background and the foundation of healing and health I had from the years of work of investing and pouring into myself, I had an enjoyable symptom-free pregnancy, and was able to navigate the most serving and health-giving resources and recommendations around pregnancy care.

    Connecting within for healing and the guidance on what is aligning in these areas along with awareness of what is possible, has so much power to prevent or at least minimize the severity of the confusion, distress, heavy hardships and life-long struggles, pain, suffering and despair women go through when there is disconnection and disharmony during their motherhood journeys. Inner-alignment allows and fosters our Pre-conception, Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum and New Mamahood experiences to overflow with divine wisdom, radiance, connection, beauty, delight, growth, strength, grace and joy!


What is Inner Connection?

Intentionally turning inwards for transformative healing and opening up to more clarity, peace, vitality and aligned living by connecting with your:

• Intuition • Inner Self • Highest Self • True Self

• Heart-Knowing • Gut-feeling • Instincts

• Body’s Wisdom • Inner Intelligence • Inner Energy

• Inner-knowing • Inner-guidance • Divine Inner Light

• Essence • Spirit • Soul • Divine Self

• Inner-wisdom • Underlying Truth

… or Whatever term resonates with you!

Inner-Wisdom Blog Posts

Enriching Words of Truth That Came through During Inner-connection Sessions