
Fruit Bowl.png

Big n’Beautiful Fruit Bowls

Fill a bowl with a Fruit Blend of choice (I enjoy papaya & banana or red apple, pear & berries)

Plain Greek Yogurt or non-dairy yogurt of choice (optional)

Sprinkle on some Extra Nourishment - Baobab, Moringa, Spirulina, Stinging Nettle, Maca Powders….

Sprinkle on some lovely spice/ flavour - Cinnamon, Cardamom and/or 100% Cacao Powder

Top with as many as these as you’d like! Cacao Nibs, cashew pieces, almonds, toasted sunflower seeds, ground flaxseeds, hempseeds, raw pumpkin seeds, coconut, nut butters, macadamia nuts, chia seeds, homemade granola…

Sweeten if need be with Raw Honey, Pure Maple Syrup or date paste (to make, soak dates in water for a few hours-overnight then blend)

Serving for 1

Oat & Almond Mamahood waffles

Separate egg yokes from whites for whipping into egg whites (I put them in the steel mixmaster bowl in the fridge while I do the rest to chill before whipping)

Blend together: • 2 egg yokes • 1 Cup nut/seed milk or 1 Cup Water & 3 T nut/seed butter of choice • 1 t vanilla • 1 ripe banana • 1 t cinnamon • 2 Cups oat flour (or sub 1/2-1 C for almond flour and/or chickpea flour or whatever flours your want to experiment with!) * 1 t baking powder • 1 T flaxseed (optional) • 2 T Brewers Yeast (optional for supporting lactation)

Whip the eggwhites then pour the blended batter into the mixing bowl and stir together folding the eggwhites into the batter with a spoon. Oil waffle maker with avo oil before each waffle. Use 3/4-1 C batter per waffle and spread out evenly before closing the maker. Wait until stops steaming or minimal steam before opening

 My favorite toppings- warmed blueberries, maple syrup & coconut whip cream! 

Makes ~4 full waffles

I love making a double batch on the weekends then freezing the extras to pop in the toaster for a quick weekday breakfast option!


Tahini Herbed Shakshuka

White Onion | 2 large tomatoes | 2 cloves garlic | 2 organic free-range yellow-yolk eggs | sage, basil & oregano (fresh or dried) | paprika or cayenne (optional) | salt & pepper | cumin | extra-virgin olive-oil | tahini (sesame paste) | lemon

Fry onion in skillet until golden brown. Add garlic. Add chopped tomatoes. Simmer until become like a paste. Add in herbs and paprika/cayenne if like you like some heat in your dishes. Crack eggs to keep yolk whole. Pour in eggs into the mixture in the pan and cover with lid. While cooking, mix a small side bowl of the olive oil, tahini, lemon and cumin.

Once the eggs have cooked to your liking (sunny/medium or hard) season with salt and pepper and transfer to a bowl. Top/drizzle with the tahini mixture and serve with toasted sourdough!

Serving for 1

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Rice-Almond-Date Bowl/Shake

Almonds (a large handful- or substitute with other nuts/seeds combo- cashews, peanuts, sunflower..) | 6 Dates | 1/2 Cup Cooked White Rice | Cinnamon | Cardamom | Nutmeg | Tea Masala

Night before- soak the Almonds & Dates in water overnight & cook the rice

Morning of- if you forgot to prep last night no worries, just soak the almonds & dates in hot water for 15-30 mins & cook the rice.

Blend the almonds (peel if desired), rice, dates, your milk of choice (I love this with coconut mylk!) & spices. Use some of the soaking water to get your desired thickness (more runny like a shake or more thick like a porridge). Blend until smooth & warm in a small pot. Serve in bowl or enjoy on the run like a shake in a to-go thermos. Add honey or maple syrup if not sweet enough already!

Serving for 1

