Well Hello!
I’m Jenelle Katrine;
Mamhood Journey Mentor, Inner-Connection Instructor & Holistic Wellness Mentor & Facilitator
specializing in Hormonal Balancing and Preparing for Health-Giving Conception, Pregnancy Thriving, Inner-led Birth & Postnatal Vitality!
My earnest enthusiasm for around journeying towards more holistic alignment, harmony and wellness was sparked through from my own struggles around hormonal imbalance and symptoms.
At 26, I was on the brink of burnout and utterly frustrated with the ongoing Painful Overbearing Acne, Imbalanced Hormones & Cycle (PCOS-Missing Periods, Missing Ovulation), Stress, Headaches, Weak Immunity, Brain Fog, Poor Mental Health and Emotional Distress (anxiety, guilt, self-worth, self doubt, insecurity, fear & worry) that I’d been experiencing for more than half of my life.
Up until that point I had been put on and off various prescribed pill after just a few minutes of sharing with a doctor my struggles, feeling rushed and dismissed, which then repeatedly gave rise to more symptoms and issues (including medicine-induced Lupus and even my hair and eyelashes starting to falling out at one point!).
Out of desperation, and in spite of my own scepticism, I began diving into Integrative, Alternative, Natural, Traditional, Functional, Eastern, Food & Energy Medicine approaches.
I quickly learned how the wellness space is riddled with an overwhelming amount of approaches, contradicting recommendations, trends, herbs & supplements, therapies, tools, techniques…. that can be extremely time consuming, confusing and expensive… and I had many moments and years of feeling stressed and weighed down by trying to fix and solve my symptoms out of legalistic and perfectionistic pressure.
I spent over half a decade and thousands of hours reading, researching, working with specialists and practitioners, listening to podcasts and experts, trying various modalities, doing intensive inner-work & inner-healing and implementing new practices and habits into my daily life. It was a process of I getting caught up in and letting go of harmful mistakes, incremental strides in discovering aligning lifestyle changes and transformational shifts. Throughout the process, I noticed commonalities and overlappings across fields, modalities and respected, trail-blazing experts and resources that shared a deep understanding of the utmost principles that truly underly well-being, balancing and inner-harmony. I learned to recognize which aspects of the wellness space were harmful fads or surface-level suggestions compared to the ones that spoke to and addressed the root causes and underlying facets behind disharmony, symptoms and ill-health.
Through these understandings and a NATURAL & HOLISTIC approach of finding alignment in both the external facets of life (sleep, nourishment, movement, reducing exposure to toxins & chemicals…) as well as the internal facets of my inner-state (emotional healing, mind-set shifts/ power of thoughts, inner-work around beliefs and conditioning, practicing presence, letting go of fears, insecurities, guilt, learning to listen my own inner-guidance and inner-wisdom ….) I experienced transformational healing and completely reversed all of my PCOS symptoms.
My cycle became regular for the first time in my entire life, my skin cleared, my headaches disappeared, my immune system strengthened, my mental; emotional and inner well-being grew in more peace, harmony and alignment, my fertility increased and hormones balanced. And then, despite my diagnosis, I conceived naturally and effortlessly going onto have an extremely easy, enjoyable and symptom free pregnancy, a complication-free; fast; non-medicated home birth and a swift and rejuvenating post-natal recovery.
I have felt so blessed and enlivened by the wealth of wisdom and knowledge I gained along my journey that I wanted to help save others from all the time, money, stress and confusion that I experienced, so I have spent countless hours compiling the insights and worthy information I gained and creating distinct exercises, resources, tools, workshops and sessions around fostering health and supporting others in their own wellness journeys.
My approach is coming along side clients and helping them gain awareness of the interconnected facets of wellness and harmony missing in their lives, sharing the vast and deep knowledge on holistic wellbeing I’ve had the blessed opportunity of soaking up and guiding them in different options and approaches and supporting them in discovering what is aligning for them.
If you feel curious or aligned to explore working together, I would be overjoyed to connect for a free connection call and see how I might be able to enrich you or your team with sessions, coaching, workshops, resources, recommendations, sharings and/or mentoring!
-in love & light,
Jenelle Katrine
My Approach
Each of us have a unique puzzle. There are common pieces (sleep, movement, stress, diet, thoughts, emotions….) but for each of us some pieces are missing while others are already in place and in alignment. Some facets/pieces are larger requiring more focus and attention while other facets are smaller, requiring only a few small improvements. And it’s all about a holistic and incremental journey of learning and discovering what fits and what doesn’t leading up to all the pieces coming together!
Through this personalized approach, I work alongside clients and groups to focus on and encompass the following puzzle pieces:
Nourishment & Diet Advice
Lifestyle & H
abit Shifts
Herbal Options
Supportive Healing Tools
Movement Recommendations
Quality Sleep
Stress Awareness & Approaches
Hormonal Balancing
Various Modality & Practices for:
Mental Health
Emotional Well-being
Spiritual Connection
In my experience of years working with different specialists, experts and practitioners, I often found the appointments felt rushed and impersonal- like I had been tightly squeezed into their tight schedule, given a formula-type approach and would leave with so many burning questions, feeling overwhelmed, confused and that the quality of care, attention and amount of time was not met in-tune with the high- price point of the appointments.
My goal is to share the in-depth wisdom, insights and underlying pillars of holistic wellness I’ve acquired over the years in a way that is accessible and understandable without stress, confusion, rush or high fees. I deeply believe that everyone I work with should always feel more relaxed, clear and encouraged from each session, workshop or gathering! That is why I take ample time to ask questions and gather information to have an in-depth understanding of client’s unique struggles, symptoms and situations. This approach allows me to gain deep insight into the different underlying facets that are involved and I take time to explain what is going on under the surface. I give plenty of opportunity for clients to ask questions, clarify, share and express before we wrap up. I also work with clients to match their budget and financial means, so that working together is accessible and doesn’t cause monetary worry. I also refrain from taking a legalistic/formula type approach, which in my experience added on more stress, and instead encourage each client to listen to their own intuition/ inner-guidance.
What I Share and Provide:
• Different options & recommendations to discover what is aligning for YOU
• Resources (articles, sites, videos) from of leading wellness wisdom expertise
• Exercises, meditations & activities refined and fine-tuned over many years
• An approach centred around - uplifting & encouraging, enrichment & unhurried understanding and connection
My approach incorporates holistic pillars of wellbeing found in and combined from years of diving into, experiencing and studying:
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Food Medicine
Natural & Holistic Hormonal Balancing
Energy Medicine & Energy Healing
Emotional Healing